The Lord has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to one of your neighbors-to David. 1 Samuel 28:17

Saul was called by God to lead his children. But his disobedience ultimately led to being rejected by God, because he was no longer a vessel God could use. When God anoints a person, a pattern of testing appears to take place at specific times in the leader's life.

They can determine if the ministries you are now serving will continue receiving the blessings and anointing power of God. You may be serving in a simple "bridge ministry" to bring others to your church, and ultimately to Christ. Or you may be praying that you can advance to the next level of responsibility in God's Kingdom.

Either way God often takes Christian leaders through four major tests to determine if that person will achieve God's ultimate call on his or her life. The person's response to these tests is the deciding factor in whether they can advance to the next level of responsibility in God's Kingdom. Or if the ministry they now serve will continue to receive the blessings of God.

Control-Control is one of the first tests. Saul spent most of his time as king trying to prevent others from getting what he had. He never got to the place with God in which he was a grateful recipient of God's goodness to him. He was a religious controller. This control led to disobedience and ultimately being rejected by God because Saul was no longer a vessel God could use.

Many great ministries have fallen because pride took over and the leader began to control his helpers, even claiming credit for their service, to attain a higher status in the church. Or they began to think of their ministry as the most important, attacking other ministries or refusing to cooperate or acknowledge their equality. When we stop praying earnestly for our brothers and sisters ministries, we need to take a deep breath and evaluate where we are with Christ.

Bitterness-Every major character in the Bible was hurt by another person at one time or another. And Christian leaders can expect the same. But Jesus taught us to respond by forgiving those same people and then serving them as we would those that we love.

Jesus was hurt deeply when Judas, a trusted follower, betrayed Him. Despite knowing this was going to happen, Jesus responded by washing Judas' feet. Every anointed leader will have a Judas experience at one time or another. God watches us to see how we will respond to this test. Will we take up an offense$%: Will we retaliate$%: Or will we lovingly serve them as Jesus did Judas$%: This is one of the most difficult tests to pass.

Power-Power is the opposite of servanthood. Jesus had all authority in Heaven and earth, so Satan tempted Jesus at the top of the mountain to use His power to remove Himself from a difficult circumstance. How will we use the power and influence God has entrusted to us$%: Do we seek to gain more power$%: Jesus showed us the way. He understood that obedience to His Father superseded his ability to show His power. And His use of the Word to remove Himself from a difficult circumstance brought glory to God. He was the ultimate servant leader. Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. --1 Corinthians 10:31

Greed-This is a difficult one. Money has the ability to have great influence for either good or bad. When it is a focus in our life, it becomes a tool of destruction. When it is a by-product, used to further the kingdom of God, and for His glory, it can become a great blessing. Many leaders started out well -- only to be derailed once prosperity became a part of their life. There are thousands who can blossom spiritually in adversity; only a few can thrive spiritually under prosperity.

As leaders, we must be aware when we are being tested. You can be confident that each one of these tests will come your way if God calls you for His purposes. Will you pass these tests$%: Ask for God's grace today to walk through these tests victoriously.

And remember, every victory becomes a gift from God and presents an opportunity to build our "Bridge Ministries" that will bring others to our churches and to Christ. A simple bridge can bring as many as 100 new members to your church every year.

"What a wonderful God we have - He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does He do this$%: So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us" (2 Corinthians 1:3,4).

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